Thursday, December 20, 2018

Work-Based Learning Conference

The 2018-2019 year is a very exciting time for Work-Based Learning Coordinators. With the Future Ready Iowa Initiative, the Iowa Clearinghouse for WBL coming to fruition and the multitude of new programs across the state, we want to be your go-to place for all things Work-Based Learning.  We have a great team, including current and past executive officers, that have a wide range of experiences and knowledge to offer.  Please continue to use our PD source of Schoology and check out our website:

At our annual conference, old friends come together to share their past year's ups and downs and new friends are made.  IWBL members from all over the state come to learn, collaborate and network to provide high-quality work-based learning programs.  We have grown from 40 attendees at our first conference 5 years ago, to expecting over 200 at this year’s conference.  This year we are excited to add a strand of breakouts to include Work Experience Coordinators in addition to our already full conference of information and best program practices for Iowa Work Based Learning Coordinators.
Please pass on the registration information to anyone in your district that would benefit from this year’s Iowa Work Based Learning Coordinators Conference, being held April 2&3 at the Airport Holiday Inn.
I hope to see and meet you on April 2&3!!
Kristen Bandy

IWBL President

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Mental Health Survey

Dear Colleague,
As you know, youth mental health in Iowa is dismal.  We have countless people across the state working relentlessly to improve school mental health.  Please Pass the Love is attempting to collect a large amount of data to better understand what school mental health looks like at buildings and districts across the state.  We cannot create sustainable, effective school mental health systems without your insight.  We are asking that school counselors across the state to take ten minutes to complete this survey.  Multiple school counselors in a building can collaborate, but we only need ONE submission per building. This is your opportunity to have voice for the needs of your students, school, and yourself.  All data will be compiled into a report due to be released in the spring.  Again, we cannot accurately tell the story of school mental health in Iowa without your help.  If you have any questions, please contact  We have extended the deadline to this upcoming Friday, December 21st
Thank you so much for your efforts to improve lives for our youth!

Survey Link:

Monday, December 10, 2018

HS Credit in Middle School - fixed link

Please see below for the corrected link -
As you may or may not be aware, the legislature recently passed a bill authorizing HS credits to be earned in Middle School. For more information, please see the DE guidance found here.

Friday, December 7, 2018


A new report was recently published by CASEL regarding the perspectives of high school students on social-emotional learning. Access the report here.

HS Credit in Middle School

As you may or may not be aware, the legislature recently passed a bill authorizing HS credits to be earned in Middle School. For more information, please see the DE guidance found here.