Thursday, October 18, 2018

CCR Academy - New course!

Our first class ended up with over 80 folks enrolled - if you missed it - here's your shot!!!

Iowa College Aid Insider header
October 18, 2018
Special BulletinIowa CCR Academy

Fall college & career readiness course expanded

Due to high demand, the Iowa College & Career Readiness Academy has added an additional session of 101: Foundations of College and Career Readiness in Iowa. The course runs November 12 through December 30 and provides an overview of the current state of college and career readiness in Iowa. 101 is a prerequisite for all other Academy classes. Register today!
The Iowa College & Career Readiness Academy is the state’s premier college and career readiness training program. Iowa College Aid offers the Academy in partnership with AEA Iowa, the Iowa Department of Education and the Iowa School Counselor Association. This suite of facilitated online courses is perfect for administrators, school counselors and college access professionals. Participants can earn professional certification as well as license renewal or graduate credit.
Find more information, including course descriptions, here.

1 comment:

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