Thursday, August 23, 2018

ISCA Pre-Conference Sessions Announced!

The 2018 ISCA Conference – Go the Distance: Stepping into the Future – will feature four pre-conference sessions held Sunday, November 4. for all the details on this year’s conference.
Sexual Exploitation & Human Trafficking in Iowa YouthPresenters: Amber Lawrence & Yolanda Harden - Teens Against Human Trafficking
Teens Against Human Trafficking has worked in over 100 schools across Iowa the past two years. Yolanda and Amber will discuss sexual exploitation and trafficking across the state in big cities and small towns.  We will unpack how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) increase vulnerability and what indicators to look for to identify students in schools experiencing exploitation (including sextortion), trafficking or other adverse experiences. Many students who are being trafficked continue to attend school while the exploitation is happening. We will also discuss the impact of pornography/sexting and social media, creating a world where students are often desensitized to the potential risk and recruiting methods.  Learn the tools and resources to know the best next steps when indicators are present and how to help students be aware of what this looks like in Iowa. 
Who Do We Expect Our Students to Be?: Going to the Next Level in School Mental HealthPresenter: Jennifer Ulie-Wells, Ph.D., Executive Director - Please Pass the Love
School mental health is nothing new for Iowa counselors.  Counselors are, typically, in the front line of prevention and interventions for a school's mental health plan, if there is a plan.  Participants in this session will explore a variety of areas including using multi-tiered systems of support to create a robust school mental health system, interventions at each tier, mental health characteristics in school, trauma-sensitive schools, marginalized trauma, and educator self-care.  This session will be packed with research and evidence-based information as well as resources designed for practitioners.
Crossing the Finish Line to Post-Secondary EducationPresenter: Sheryl Cline, 9-10 School Counselor - Linn-Mar High School
Research suggests that school counselors are unprepared to assist with the college preparation and application process for high school students.  However, counselors can make a significant impact on students’ college-going rates.  This session will provide an overview of the best practices for college preparation and admissions counseling, including multicultural considerations.  Additionally, college admission counselors will provide information on transferring college and AP credits.  Finally, a panel of college admission counselors from a variety of institutions will answer your questions about the college admissions process.
Go the Distance! Ideas, Encouragement, and Resources for New Professional School Counselors andGraduate Students
Presenter: Sue Schirmer, Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant - Heartland AEA
School counselors can’t do it alone. Come to learn about resources and supports for you as a new counselor! What do you need to know about the role of the school counselor TODAY in Iowa so that you can Step into the Future of school counseling! This session is especially for new counselors (1-5 years) and graduate students. It will offer resources, materials, and personal support!

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