Monday, April 16, 2018

Proteus - Help for farm families

Proteus is a 501(c) 3, that assists individuals that have conducted some form of farm work within the most recent two years, or have parents that that have been employed in this area. What we do is help qualified applicants discover and obtain a career that suits both their skill sets and interests. While enrolled we provide financial as well as mentoring services to help get them from a life of poverty and uncertainty to one of consistent income in a vocation that is more than a place to simply get a paycheck. As you can assume, we do have qualifying factors that must be met in order for acceptance, primarily the aforementioned farm work along with income are the two items we look at.  The funds we provide is all grant money and nothing we give has to be returned. Common assistance provided include; tuition assistance, stipend ($5/class hour in a vocational program), grocery, rent and vehicle repair assistance and any other form of financial barriers the client is facing can potentially be provided. Proteus is here to keep the client focused on their specific career goal as we strive to empower, not enable, them to live a life of sustainability.  As each person is unique, so is the approach taken in how to ensure their success. If school is not the best option, we have a variety of measures available to get them work experience as well as assistance with creating resumes, applying for jobs and interview skills needed to shine with potential employers.
I realize this may be a lot of information to take in and I would be happy to set something up to further explain the positive aspects Proteus can provide in helping students prepare for a career that is right for them. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in learning more about and I will be happy to oblige.
Thank you,

Patrick Taggart
Regional Director
Ph: 319.248.0178 ext. 2400
Toll Free: 800.397.9675
Fax: 319.248.0182

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