Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Updates to Division II CTE

Good Morning!!
I am writing with some updates to the CTE Redesign legislation (HF2392). As you know, there are two parts to this legislation. Division 1 pertains to the District Plan and the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). We have had several meetings and guidance around Division 1. For notes about the District Plan workshop, please review the Google folder with information.

The more recent updates concern Division II pertaining to the Regional Planning Partnerships (RPP). Paula Vincent, the Heartland AEA Chief and Rob Denson, the President of DMACC, called together the RPP in January of this year to explore wishes and information while we waited for more guidance from the Iowa Department of Education (IDOE). That information has come and the by-laws of the RPP have been submitted to the IDOE for approval. Heartland has decided to have a structure a bit different from other AEA/CC partnerships in the state because of our size and varying enrollment in regions. We have an Executive Committee, and each region within Heartland has a “sub-committee.” That sub-committee will review funds allocated for the region and make decisions based on direction from the Executive Committee as well as carry out the approval process for programming. A letter was sent yesterday to your superintendent with lots of detail and if you are wondering about the impact to your district, please contact your superintendent for more information.

There have been lots of rumors circulating about how this is being structured, the financial implications, etc. Some of those we have answers to; some we do not. Here are some of the items of interest
·      The superintendent of each district will determine who will be on the sub-committee from that district. This sub-committee will make programming and financial decisions for the sub-committee.
·      There will be approximately $11 per secondary student allocated to those sub-committees for disbursement of funds prior to July 1, 2017. In coming years, the funding may be different.
·      There are specific uses of those funds. The funds will be on a reimbursement structure and must be spent on one or some of the following:
o   Professional development for CTE personnel
o   Professional development for Career Guidance
o   Program Implementation for CTE
o   Enhanced curriculum for current programs
o   Career Management Information System (Kuder, Naviance, etc)

If you have questions, your first contact should be your superintendent or curriculum director. However, I am always willing to help you find answers as well. I hope this helps with your understanding and advocacy.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance

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